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Wednesday 10 July 2024




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Organisation Culture

1. Examine how Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions influence an organisation's internal practices and employee behaviours. Discuss the implications of high vs. low Power Distance and Individualism vs. Collectivism on organisational communication and teamwork, using examples from multinational corporations?

2. Using Handy's Organisational Culture Model, evaluate how the typology of culture (Power Culture, Role Culture, Task Culture, and Person Culture) within an organisation influences its operations, employee engagement, and strategic agility. Provide an example of an organisation for each type of culture discussed, highlighting the impact of culture on the organisation's success and challenges.

3. FinTech Innovators, a prominent player in the financial technology sector, finds itself at a pivotal moment of organisational evolution. Historically entrenched in a Role Culture characterized by rigid hierarchies and defined job roles, the company has embarked on a transformative journey towards adopting a Task Culture. This strategic shift is motivated by the recent acquisition of a startup specializing in financial analytics, a move that not only diversifies FinTech Innovators' portfolio but also introduces a cultural amalgamation challenge.

This transition aims to foster a more flexible and responsive organisational environment, conducive to innovation and enhanced customer service. However, the path is fraught with potential pitfalls, reminiscent of historical integration failures such as the ill-fated merger between Burger Chef and General Foods. These examples serve as cautionary tales, highlighting the critical importance of careful cultural integration to avoid operational inefficiencies and lost market potential.

The task at hand for FinTech Innovators involves devising a comprehensive plan to seamlessly blend the traditional Role Culture with the more agile and collaborative Task Culture of the acquired startup. Key to this process is strategic communication, ensuring that all employees are aligned with the new cultural direction and understand their roles within it. Leadership plays a crucial role in this transformation, tasked with modelling the desired behaviours and fostering an environment of openness and adaptability.

To ensure the effectiveness of this cultural shift, FinTech Innovators must establish clear metrics for success. These include enhanced organisational performance indicators such as market share growth, product innovation rates, and customer satisfaction levels. Equally important is measuring employee engagement and satisfaction, as these are critical barometers of internal acceptance and assimilation of the new culture.

In summary, FinTech Innovators stands on the brink of a significant cultural transformation. By learning from past merger challenges and meticulously planning the integration of diverse cultures, the company aspires to not only navigate this transition successfully but also to emerge as a more innovative, agile, and market-responsive entity.

a) How should FinTech Innovators approach the integration of the newly acquired startup's Task Culture to enhance its strategic agility without diluting the core values that have underpinned its success in a Role Culture environment?

b) Considering the historical challenges faced by companies like Burger Chef and General Foods during their cultural integration processes, what specific strategies should FinTech Innovators employ to ensure a seamless cultural merger, thus avoiding similar pitfalls and ensuring employee engagement and satisfaction?


Management Theory and Practice

Q1. Dr. Rohit Mahajan, a promising young researcher, has secured a prestigious research grant. However, claiming the funds requires navigating a complex bureaucratic maze within the university administration. Long forms, unclear procedures, and seemingly endless approvals threaten to delay his crucial project. In light of this case, what principles of bureaucratic managements must Rohit consider? Please elaborate on the relevant principles of bureaucratic management.

Q2. The Marketing Manager, Alex, is implementing a complex communication policy with lengthy approval processes for emails and documents. This coincides with a new CEO who rarely interacts with lower-level employees, creating a sense of isolation and lack of transparency.

How do these communication barriers affect employee morale, engagement, and productivity? How can these communication barriers be fixed to improve communication flow?

Q3. Mohit, a store manager at a university cafeteria, faces two challenges. First, he needs to order enough food items like sandwiches and salads to meet daily demand, which fluctuates based on class schedules. Second, a new student group has requested for a specialized vegan menu option.

Mohit has two decisions to deal with. First, how much of each standard food item he should order. Second, whether he should implement the new vegan menu option.

a. Which of the above two decisions fall under the programmed or non-programmed categories? Explain your answer.

b. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each decision in this situation?


Marketing Management

Case Study: E-JOSH Technologies

E-JOSH Technologies is a startup company founded in 2020 by a group of tech enthusiasts with a vision to revolutionize the education sector through innovative digital solutions. E-JOSH Technologies primarily targets students, teachers, and parents in the K-12 education sector. The company's products and services are designed to cater to the diverse needs of these groups, providing personalized and interactive learning experiences.

E-JOSH Technologies offers a range of products and services designed to enhance the learning experience for students, teachers, and parents. These products are built on the foundation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to provide personalized and interactive learning opportunities. Some of the key features of products include:

AI-Powered Learning Platform: The core product of E-JOSH Technologies is its AI-powered learning platform. This platform offers a wide range of educational content, including interactive lessons, quizzes, and virtual classrooms. The AI technology used in the platform analyzes the learning patterns and preferences of each user to provide personalized recommendations and feedback, helping students learn more effectively.

Mobile App: E-JOSH Technologies also offers a mobile app version of its learning platform, allowing users to access educational content on-the-go. The app is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for students to navigate and engage with the content.

Teacher Dashboard: For teachers, E-JOSH Technologies provides a teacher dashboard that allows them to track the progress of their students, assign tasks and quizzes, and communicate with students and parents. The dashboard is designed to streamline the teaching process and enhance collaboration between teachers, students, and parents.

Parent Portal: The parent portal provides parents with insights into their child's learning progress, including their performance in quizzes and assignments. Parents can also communicate with teachers through the portal, enabling them to be more involved in their child's education.

E-JOSH Technologies operates on a subscription-based model, offering different tiers of access to its platform based on the user's needs. The platform provides a wide range of educational content, including interactive lessons, quizzes, and virtual classrooms, all designed to enhance the learning experience and improve academic performance.

The marketing team at E-JOSH Technologies focuses on traditional marketing strategies to reach a wider audience. The operations team ensures the smooth functioning of the platform, managing content updates, user accounts, and technical support. They also work closely with the technology team to implement new features and improvements based on user feedback. The finance team is responsible for managing the company's finances, including budgeting, financial planning, and revenue analysis. They also oversee the billing process and ensure that subscription fees are collected on time. The technology team is at the core of E-JOSH Technologies, responsible for developing and maintaining the AI-powered learning platform. They continuously work on improving the platform's functionality, security, and user experience.

One of the major challenges facing E-JOSH Technologies is the competitive nature of the EdTech industry. There are several well-established players in the market offering similar products, making it challenging for E-JOSH Technologies to differentiate itself and attract new users.

E-JOSH Technologies has shown great potential to disrupt the education sector with its innovative AI-powered learning platform.

(You can make valid assumptions wherever applicable while answering the questions)

Q1. Explain various marketing management orientations and their alignment with E-JOSH Technologies.

Q2. What are the key geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics of the segments that E-JOSH Technologies targets?

Q3 a) How can E-JOSH Technologies leverage digital marketing channels?

Q3 b) Which positioning strategy could be most appropriate for E-JOSH Technologies, explain with reasons.


Organizational Behaviour

1. Think about a person with whom you may have worked, who happens to be very different from you, such as someone of the opposite gender who also is a member of a different racial group and/ or from a different region or country. In what ways was this experience challenging for you? In what ways did these differences prove to be beneficial? What insight do you believe the field of OB can give you with respect to this experience?

2. A friend who runs a small media company has approached you for advice. He believes that the attitude of his employees seems to be getting very negative with each passing day. Performance seems to declining and attrition is on the rise, especially with new hires. At the exit interviews, a few employees reported that they felt dissatisfied with the working environment, had long working hours and unsupportive managers. The work seemed monotonous and no appreciation by managers is ever given. New employees have been found taking up jobs with this company's competitors.

Which major attitudes are a cause of concern in the given situation? How can this organization deal with the same?

3. You have recently started heading a very big hospital that has a lot of nursing staff. Upon joining as the director, the management has informed you that this hospital faces a peculiar crisis. This crisis is related to very poor moral and motivation among the nursing staff. Upon further research you are given to understand that the nursing staff has very high absenteeism and turnover and low patient care feedback. Not just the patients, but the doctors are also unhappy with the services of the nursing staff. You are now responsible to diagnose the main issues here and help improve the situation. As you go ahead and speak with a few nurses you find three main problems. The first problem is that the nursing staff believes that no one in the organisation appreciates their work or encourages them in any way. The second major issue is that the nurses feel that their counterparts in other hospitals are paid much better than them. The third problem is that they feel bored with the routine jobs and roles that have been assigned to them since many years.

a) What theories of motivation can be applied in context to the first two issues faced by the nurses?  b) Explain the ways in which each of the three issues mentioned in case can be addressed.


Business Law

Q1. Explain in details two (2) real-life instances of Anti-Competitive Agreements which have been prohibited by the Competition Commission of India.

Q2. Illustrate the essential features of Contract.

Q3. Surendra and Kashyap have entered into an agreement to license technology. However, Surendra did not complete the full delivery of the technology license to the satisfaction of Seema. Hence, disputes arose between Surendra and Kashyap. Surendra and Kashyap do not want to go through a protracted litigation process before the conventional forums/courts. Can you advise them on:

A) What should be done to conduct an arbitration between Surendra and Kashyap to resolve their disputes.

B) The difference between Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation? What is the advantages and disadvantages of each of these?


Essentials of HRM

Q1. How would you design and implement talent management strategies to effectively attract, develop, and retain millennial employees in your organization?

Q2. List down the key steps in designing a performance management system, and how does each of these steps enhance organizational effectiveness and employee development?


Q3. Ashish Chandana is the gold medalist of batch 2022 who has passed out of an excellent B- School, in Marketing and Finance. He is lucky to have got a PPO in COVID time. He has been hired by a data analytics and research-based company (XYZ) as a Research Associate for data mining, researching, developing data driven solutions for the company’s clients. Currently, he has been put in a team of five members who are working for an automotive giant of India. During the COVID, the company suffered an unmanageable loss of talented workforce as a result of mass exodus and migration of labour who had lost home and livelihood in lockdown. The client never wants to experience the disaster of facing the same crisis ever again. They want XYZ to develop a HR Management System that would suggest and encourage digitization and create a balance between optimal human warehouses and strategically increase their efficiencies. The client is very competitive but is pro people also. For understanding the organizational need strategically, a research roadmap is created. As a part of that, Ashish is required to develop, execute and present a comprehensive human resource strategy that must be presented to the top management team.

a) Identify the various HR functions which Ashish can include in his presentation for representing the HR strategy and why?

b) How do you think Ashish can convince the client for improving the organization’s ability to attract and keep talented employees?


Operations Management

1. MegaMart stands out as a prominent retail chain celebrated for its online grocery shopping platform, renowned for its strong inventory management system. Delve into MegaMart's unique approach compared to traditional brick-and-mortar stores, outlining prevalent inventory management techniques in the retail sector. Furthermore, explore MegaMart's inventory management system, detailing its core components and strategies aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and customer contentment.

2. Explain the core principle of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and its pivotal role in streamlining manufacturing operations. Considering a suitable example, describe the key principles of the TOC philosophy and its application in synchronous manufacturing to refine production scheduling. Furthermore, illustrate the effectiveness of Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR) methodology in improving system efficiency, minimizing lead times, and increasing throughput within manufacturing settings, using any industry of your choice.

3. Quality management holds paramount importance in upholding patient satisfaction and safety within a large multi-specialty hospital. Quality management tools serve as indispensable assets in attaining operational excellence and upholding the highest standards of healthcare services. Furthermore, the operations manager assumes a pivotal role in overseeing quality control efforts.

a. Explain the operations manager's responsibility in instituting and supervising quality control measures within the hospital.

b. Discuss the multiple dimensions of quality pertinent to the healthcare sector, elucidating how each dimension enhances overall patient care and experience.


Strategic Management

Q1. You are the CEO of a bank which has a profitable consumer banking division. Do you think the bank should sell out a profitable business like this? What according to you could be the reasons for a retrenchment strategy? If you were the strategy advisor to the bank, would you advise the bank for such a move?


Q2. The ISL is India’s leading football league but lately, it is struggling with issues such as sponsorship and viewership. What could be the reasons for this lack of interest in sponsors, according to you? What strategies would you recommend to the league management to increase consumer engagement, if you were its strategy consultant?

Q3. WPP became a global advertising behemoth because of its relentless acquisition strategy. This has led to its global dominance. In such a scenario:

a. a. If you were the owner of a small full-service advertising agency then what strategies would you adopt to compete with the big players like WPP.

b. b. In your opinion is advertising relevant to marketing anymore? Analyze the complexities of Marketing communications in the post pandemic era. Can AI be solely depended on to solve all the marketing problems or would you still need human intervention while reaching out to the consumers?


International HR Practices

1. GloTech Solutions, a New York-based technology consulting firm specializing in large scale IT infrastructure projects, is planning to establish a regional headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. To spearhead this initiative, a team of 12 IT consultants from the United States and 3 from Germany, including a senior project director from Germany, will relocate to Tokyo. What are the pre-departure and post arrival training HR should plan for the team? What could be the top 3 challenges you as HR Manager expect after the movement is completed to Tokyo?


2. XYZ limited is a leading bicycle manufacturing company from Ludhiana, India and now coming up new offices in Europe and Australia continent. The management set to standardize the performance management policies in new international offices of the company. How should performance metrics be standardized to ensure fairness and compatibility across different international offices? What challenges might arise in the collection and analysis of performance data from diverse locations?


3. GreenWave Solutions, a startup headquartered in pune, India, Specializes in eco- friendly water purification systems. Known for their innovative and sustainable technology, they have gained attention from clients both in India and internationally. Recently, they secured a 15 year contract to supply their systems to a new green initiative in Berlin, Germany. As part of the contact, they need to employ 2 engineers, 3 quality assurance experts, 2 supply chain managers and 1 customer support manager at the client’s headquarters in Berlin. GreenWave Solutions has decided to recruit local candidates in Germany to comply with local employment laws and reduce costs. You ate an HR consultant tasked with facilitating this international expansion.

a) What are the key challenges and considerations in recruiting, selecting and managing local talent in Berlin, Germany you may come across? Elaborate your answer by keeping the scenario in mind.

b) What strategies you will plan to attract skilled local talent in a competitive job market with limited brand recognition?





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